Historically, I’ve had very few boundaries and often lived in a constant state of resentment. I’m trying to use this emotion as a clue that a boundary is likely indicated. In fact, I often need an unspoken boundary to be violated and feel resentful before deciding to actually communicate the boundary. The first step in this process is being aware of what’s happening, which is extremely hard, in my opinion.
Actually setting boundaries is a new skill for me. Sometimes, I stay quiet and resentful. Sometimes, I swing hard the other way and place extremely strict boundaries out of anger. It takes time to find a middle ground, but honestly, the angry version helps me the most in the beginning.
Why Boundaries?
Daily Calm | Calm Challenge | Day 29 (cultivate healthy boundaries)
~11 minute youtube video
~38 minute podcast episode
Ten Percent Happier with Dan Harris | Kristen Neff, Self-compassion Ain’t Always Soft
~1 hour podcast episode
Practical tips:
We Can Do Hard Things - Dr Brene Brown: On Holding Boundaries & Facing Our Fear
~44 minute podcast episode
Ten Percent Happier with Dan Harris | How to Handle Family Drama | Nedra Glover Tawwab
~ 1 hour 12 minute podcast episode
Finding balance:
Self-Compassion Practices | Balancing Yin and Yang
~14 minute recording
Unlocking Us Podcast - Brene and Ashley on Living BIG
part 1 ~47 minute podcast episode, part 2 ~28 minute podcast episode
Braving The Wilderness: The Quest for True Belonging and The Courage to Stand Alone
a book by Brene Brown
Taking responsibility:
Pema Chodron: This Lousy World
~3 minute Youtube video
Buddhist Boot Camp Podcast | Personal Boundaries
~7 minute podcast episode